ever since i watched wicker park, i fell in love with the song 'strange and beautiful' by aqualung. a simple and casual song, yet filled deep with meaning and emotions. you can almost picture a black and white setting, with snow and sun.

i keep telling myself, that i have 2 years left before i graduate. i don't want to succumb to the full 4 years of education just to get my honours. i think 3 years is more than enough for me. i may lack in terms of paper qualifications since i am not doing my honours, but what i excel in is hands on application of what others may have learnt. safe to say, been there, done that.

2 years is a long time, and i am certainly looking forwards to the end of my second year. then it'll be full steam ahead for the final stretch and eventually, out to the working world.

i don't think its a big of a deal stepping into the working world. honestly, i've had many jobs before so getting another one feels like nothing big to me. though i would like to work in a big financial institution, i have a feeling i'd be taking the risk and insurance path working in either underwriting or risk management (the latter sounds much more tantalising).

once again, i play the song all over again. each time the key of the piano is struck, my mind is taken back, a step at a time.


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